History of Science ON CALL


Hood, Stephanie / Onaga, Lisa / Schäfer, Dagmar

The resource aggregates and amplifies two streams of information—Research and Education—relevant to crises, including chronic disasters. The Research stream consists of 3–5-minute video contributions from scholars who ask questions related to their research field in the context of Covid-19, while the Education stream seeks to aggregate and introduce known resources and materials—scholarship and teaching tools—in order to amplify their reach. Together, these bring to the fore various insights into the state of international cooperation and academic work in times of crisis. Knowledge is one of the most important resources for people to deal with crises: while virologists and epidemiologists study the virus and advise us on how to deal with the new reality of social distancing, disciplines such as history, sociology, and anthropology help to put the things that are happening around us in perspective: what does quarantine mean, what epidemics have occurred in the past, and what instruments to fight them do we have at hand? We hope you find the resource useful! Please feel free to contact shood@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de with your feedback and suggestions.




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